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Name Type Size Last Modified
Creating scroll stopping social media using psychology Folder 1 items 06/07/22
DIY Tabletop Animation for Video Storytelling Folder 1 items 06/07/22
Emotion pictures: making more of video for your charity Folder 1 items 06/07/22
Going in circles? Reviewing your data during covid Folder 1 items 06/07/22
How to choose the right CRM or database Folder 1 items 06/07/22
I Am Me: Equalities Data for Everyone Folder 0 items 06/07/22
Introduction to Organisational Storytelling Folder 1 items 06/07/22
Introduction to Storytelling Evaluation Methodology Folder 1 items 06/07/22
Knowing what works: Simple techniques for impact assessment Folder 1 items 06/07/22
Londoners Stories for Engagement and Decision-making Folder 1 items 06/07/22
Using digital marketing to share beneficiary stories & impact data Folder 1 items 06/07/22

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