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Common Craft Videos
Two Factor Authentication
Explained by Common Craft
For too long, passwords were the only thing standing between criminals and valuable information you keep online. Now, websites and apps are adding a second layer of security called Two Factor Authentication. This video explains why it matters, and how it works.
Online basics - Digital Lifestyle
Explained by Common Craft
Part of becoming more digitally literate is adopting a digital lifestyle. That means using computers, devices and the internet to communicate and create. This video explains the basics of living a digital lifestyle.
Online Basics: Online Accounts
Explained by Common Craft
To access the most powerful parts of the web, people usually need to have accounts on popular websites. This video explains how to create accounts on websites and manage usernames and passwords.
Online Basics: Online Identity
Explained by Common Craft
There are 2 basic versions of most websites, the version that anyone can see and the version that can only be seen by logging in. This video focuses on online identity and how it can be used to unlock the most powerful tools and services on the web.
Web Search Strategies
The Web may seem like a vast ocean when it comes to finding something you need. Thankfully, search engines can help turn oceans of information into small pools that make finding information easier.
Secure Passwords
Explained by Common Craft
Passwords are essential to using the Web and criminals have become very good at guessing them. This video teaches the risks and how to create a secure password and keep it secret.
Website Cookies
Explained by Common Craft
Website cookies are an invisible but essential part of using the Web. This video explain the role of cookies in making the Web feel a little more like home.
Two Factor Authentication
Explained by Common Craft
For too long, passwords were the only thing standing between criminals and valuable information you keep online. Now, websites and apps are adding a second layer of security called Two Factor Authentication. This video explains why it matters, and how it works.
Email Access - Good
Explained by Common Craft
Email has evolved over the years. It used to live on our computers, but now it lives on servers and this evolution has changed how we think about email. This video is a basic introduction to how we access and manage email using servers.
Phishing Scams - bad
Explained by Common Craft
This video is an introduction to Phishing, and designed to increase your awareness of phishing scams and help your recognize and avoid phishing emails when you see them.
Computer Software
Explained by Common Craft
It’s easy to think of computers as just machinery – buttons, screens and parts that work together. But the magic of computers comes from something that makes them unique to you.
The problem with computers is that most of us don’t speak their language. We need a translator, something that can understand our needs and put the computer to work for us. The translator is called software and it makes computers useful.
Computer Hardware
Explained by Common Craft
If you’re like most people, computers are becoming a part of your life, and it helps to know how they work. They seem complicated inside, but by understanding just a few parts, you can see a simpler side of computers.
You’ve seen them. They come in all shapes and sizes, but work pretty much in the same ways. In fact, if you could look inside these computers, they’d have the same basic parts. It’s these parts, the hardware, that do a lot of the work in computers.
Digital Literacy
Explained by Common Craft
Imagine for a moment what it’s like not knowing how to read or write. The world becomes much more difficult to navigate and understand. While people around you use written words to apply for jobs and follow instructions, you can’t understand or communicate as well, and this can prevent you from succeeding. Literacy matters. Literacy comes in many forms. As the adoption of computers, mobile devices and the Internet has grown, digital literacy has become more important than ever. This video helps your audience understand the potential of digital literacy in our societies.
There's an app for that
In the last few years, applications or “apps” have gone from being big software programs on computers to small and downloadable apps on mobile devices. This video explains what caused this evolution and how it is impacting our lives today.
Practice Games
SKILL - filling out forms online
Use this online form to practice filling in a form
An Online form is a good way to gather information from your web sites users and visitors. Once your have filled out the form, and pressed the SUBMIT button, the website automatically forwards your answers by email to the person who is going to process your information.
This is an example of an online form, you can practice on.
You will need to use online forms for many different goverment services, and benefits. You also use web forms to order shopping online, apply for jobs.
KEY SKILL - using a keyboard and clicking
SKILL - using a mouse or touchpad
Help the picnic pickle pop the bubble
Use the mouse to move the pickle back and forth and click to make him jump. Each round, pop every bubble and you get a star. Win 5 rounds in a row and you win! But make sure you don’t miss any… This very simple game teaches kids to move the mouse and click. It also helps them to begin thinking spatially as they predict their character’s trajectory when he jumps. Basic hand-eye coordination and timing skills are introduced.
KEY SKILL - selecting and clicking
SKILL - using a mouse or touchpad
- Beginners
About Draw a Stickman This is an amusing stickman game that you can play, free of charge. This game has been played by 308,090 people and has been rated 8.2 / 10 with 20,998 votes.
KEY SKILL - moving your mouse around
The Web may seem like a vast ocean when it comes to finding something you need. Thankfully, search engines can help turn oceans of information into small pools that make finding information easier.