Secure Passwords

How to create a secure password that means something to you so you won't forget it

In our experience keeping track of passwords is one of the biggest bug bares.  At Superhighways we rest at least 2 passwords a day for our members. It's part of human nature to lose things and luckily passwords are generally easy to reset online.

For people using homeless support services the  problem is more about having too many different online accounts to remember different passowrds for than resetting .  Many advisors working with homeless people help by setting up a new email account becuase email is the second moist important tool  for keeping in touch and sharing information. 

So thet is one reason people get in a muddle  .  


 Mobile Safety and Security

Staying safe and secure when you are out and about

We now depend on smartphones for access to our most sensitive information, so it’s more important than ever to keep them safe and secure. By learning a few simple practices, yoy can help protect them from being stolen, hacked or compromised by criminals. This video teaches:

  • Why keeping a smartphone safe and secure matters
  • How to use common security settings
  • How to prevent a phone from being stolen
  • How to prevent a phone from being hacked or infected with a virus
  • What you can do to keep your phone from being a target for criminals

Two Factor Authentication

Using it makes you twice as safe online

Passwords alone may not be enough to keep criminals from accessing your sensitive online accounts and causing serious problems. Using a simple analogy of an offline storage company, this video explains Two Factor Authentication and why it matters. It teaches:

  • Why a second layer of security may be needed in addition to a password
  • Why two factor authentication is effective
  • How two factor authentication works
  • How to enable two factor authentication
  • What to expect when logging in with two factor authentication

What is a digital footprint? 

Tread carefully when you explore the net

Like footprints left on a trail in the woods, our digital footprints leave evidence of what we do on apps and websites. This video explains the concept of digital footprints, why they matter and how to reduce the risk of digital footprints in the future.

The video explains:

  • What it means to have digital footprints
  • Why digital footprints are tracked and saved by organizations
  • What actions leave digital footprints
  • How your digital footprints could be used in the future
  • How to reduce the risks of digital footprints

Pathway - top tips