Once you've created a digital and tech budget (see our guidance here) you'll want to start identifying funders who you could apply to for grants to cover some of these costs going forwards.


Specific funding for digital and tech 

Here is a list of funders who specifically fund digital and tech. We have deliberately only included opportunities most relevant for small charities and community groups (where eligible) working in London.  We aim to keep this as up to date as possible so will add other opportunities as we come across them.  Do contact us if you know of any other funding opportunities covering organisational or project digital and tech costs we should add - there aren't that many!


Apply for digital and tech infrastructure from this capital funder which could include devices e.g. laptops but also other digital infrastructure including website & database costs.  Read the specific guidance outlining what costs can be included and watch a webinar providing further information about grants available.  You'll also need to check whether your organisation is eligible - take the eligibility quiz here.


The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists Charity fund a small number of projects which demonstrate they are making use of information technology relating to one or
more of their priority areas - education, inclusion, IT for charities, and public understanding of IT. Typically awarding grants of up to £15k, decisions are made at quarterly panel meetings and the next deadline for applications is July 31st 2024.  Read the application guidelines here outlining what they are most likely to fund.


See also a longer list of digital funding opportunities from the Catalyst - please note some of these may not all be relevant.


Building digital and tech costs into general project costs 

You'll have seen that there aren't many funders specifically funding tech and digital infrastructure or innovation, so you'll need to look to always build costs, where essential, into project and programme costs.  Usually this is done by including costs per worker e.g. licences and then apportioning other organisational costs e.g. a share of support costs, usually as part of Full Cost Recovery otherwise known as Organisational Overheads. 

Additionally these could be included in other budget lines depending on the funder.  For example, if you are using a paid for survey tool, could you apportion this cost across funded projects as part of the Evaluation budget line, if you are surveying users and other stakeholders to get feedback as part of project evaluation and learning?  Similarly, don't forget to include any digital and tech training needed as training costs for all staff and volunteers.

Always read the guidance documentation and check with funders where it's unclear what can and can't be included.  Don't be afraid to make the case where digital applications and tech devices are fundamentally needed to deliver a project efficiently, effectively and innovatively.


Core funding

Of course - where there are opportunities to apply for unrestricted core funding, this is a great opportunity to include full costs, particularly costs you have struggled to access funding for elsewhere.  Depending on the work and operating model of your small charity, social investment may also be a consideration which could unlock the opportunity to spend on digital and tech.


Funder Plus schemes

In addition to grant funding, some funders offer Funder Plus or similar schemes to their grantees enabling you to access other types of support and expertise.  We know Lloyds Bank Foundation have a comprehensive offer under their Enhance Programme which includes Robust systems & processes and Effective communications, marketing and influencing.  Here in London, City Bridge Foundation have a range of Funder Plus offers including The Bridge Programme for organisational support and business planning including training.

We know of organisations who've accessed Funder Plus schemes to cover costs relating to choosing a fit for purpose CRM or database and tech infrastructure audits and training for staff where gaps in capabilities relating to organisational effectiveness have been identified.


Pro Bono schemes

In addition to accessing support from Superhighways under our current funded programmes there are a number of other opportunities to access pro bono or skilled volunteering support.  Here are some examples:


Software donations and discounts

When working out how you can fund your digital and tech needs, don't forget that you may be able to access a range of software donation schemes and discounts via the Charity Digital Exchange platform which has incredible offers from a range of software and hardware suppliers including:

  • Zoom
  • Microsoft
  • Google
  • Adobe
  • Bitdefender
  • Avast
  • Lenovo
  • Dell


How does it work?
  • First register with Charity Digital providing some basic information about your charity
  • Verify your charity status by uploading a copy of your registration document
  • Once registered, you can browse the catalogue of software products and apply for the ones that suit your needs
  • For further information 


Not a registered charity?

Ironically, community organisations, grassroots groups and social enterprises (i.e. non registered charities), mostly aren't eligible to access donations and discounts administered by Charity Digital.  However, if you are registered with HM Revenue & Customs and have charitable tax exempt status - see further information here, this may entitle you to be able to access donated and discounted products.